Hongkong, Chinainfo@kernal-automation.com

Industry News

Get More Value from Your VFD

Variable frequency drives (VFDs) have revolutionized industries by offering a range of capabilities that surpass the simple on-off operation of standard motor starters. Learn the facts from industry-leading knowledge leaders on VFDs.


Variable frequency drives (VFDs) have become an essential component for success in today’s new world of technological innovation and possibilities. 

Why You Need VFDs:

Whether they’re used in water/wastewater, aggregate/mining, manufacturing, oil & gas, or a range of other industries, VFDs can maximize productivity in high-performance environments and instances where you want to maximize energy efficiency. VFDs have revolutionized industries by offering a range of capabilities that surpass the simple on-off operation of standard motor starters. The main capabilities that make them so popular are: 

„ Flexibility in speed control—drives can be speed up or down incrementally as needed 

„ Gradual ramp-up and ramp-down—torque and power of a drive can be adjusted with soft acceleration and deceleration 

„ Simple replacement with little downtime and manual effort 

„ Built-in automation/safety features—if a fault in the motor occurs, the VFD will halt operations to prevent further damage.

Benefits of using a VFD

The ability to dynamically vary the speed and torque of electric motors comes with a number of benefits. It allows organizations to: 

„ Save on energy costs and make systems more efficient 

„ Improve working environments by increasing and decreasing motor speed and torque as needed 

„ Lower mechanical noise levels—from fans and pumps, for instance 

„ Extend equipment life by reducing mechanical stress on machines 

„ Decrease peak-demand prices and reduce required motor size by using more exact motor speeds and torque 

The reasons to use VFDs—and reap the rewards—are pretty clear. But now it’s time to see how organizations are leveraging the special features of modern VFDs to raise the competitive bar and realize even greater benefits.

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